Players have moments where their animations are stilted, but it doesn't impact their ability to play the ball. This mechanic encourages players to mix and match pitch types and locations to get batters out. This is indicated by showing a colored baseball indicator on the left side of the screen (red means you've thrown that particular pitch far too often). can grow wise to pitching tendencies - throw a particular pitch too often, and they'll really start to look for it. The duels between pitcher and batter are still great, and even more challenging now that the A.I. But these roles made it more engaging to know that I was serving a specific role in the lineup like I was part of a team. The upside is that it's easier to determine where to spend my skill points to improve my player, rather than blanket my earned skill points to create an overall average player, which you can still do as well. The My Player mode, which is kind of like a baseball RPG, has only seen one improvement and that's with the addition of roles (contact hitter, base stealer, power hitter, etc.) - or if I'm sticking with the RPG angle, that would be Warrior, DPS, and Tank. I was serving a specific role in the lineup like I was part of a team. It's like we're baseball time travelers trying to right the wrongs of our favorite teams. I think it's a neat inclusion for baseball fans, like myself, who love to second guess manager and player decisions after a game, feeling like we could have done better. It seems like this feature isn't turned on yet and is waiting for the season to start in April - I know Brandon McCarthy needs some work, but there's no way he needs to start every Spring Training game for the A's - so I have to take this feature on its promise, for now. As for some of the new things to play around with, there's the new MLB Today mode that allows you to select your favorite team and replay games using the same lineup cards used that day. Returning features like franchise mode, home run derby, and being able to immediately start a playoff game are all here, including the brand-new playoff format that was just approved by Major League Baseball. MLB 2K12 does a good job of capturing how a baseball game plays out, even if the frequency of caught line drives does seem a little high, at least they've dialed back the number of home runs per game. And how heart breaking it was to come from behind late in a playoff game, only to have Albert Pujols knock the stuffing out of a hanging curve ball. Or when I was locked into an epic pitching duel where perfection was in high demand. Like those competitive extra inning games where every hit had the hopes of the entire team riding on them. I could go on and on about how much fun I've had playing this game when it worked bug free.

MLB 2K12 does a good job of capturing how a baseball game plays out.